Work Packages

Work Package 1 - Definition of the qualification profile

focuses on conducting a thorough analysis of the professional needs within the livestock sector, addressing both skill mismatches and training offerings. This will inform the creation of a new qualification profile for a One Health Advisor, which will include job descriptions, regulatory aspects, and required knowledge and skills. This profile will align with international and national standards.

Work Package 2 - Design and development of the curriculum and training materials

focuses on creating a curriculum based on the ECVET principles. The curriculum will be modular, reflecting the research findings and will include innovative teaching methodologies, digital resources, and virtual solutions to enhance knowledge transfer. It will incorporate feedback from stakeholders to ensure labor market relevance.

Work Package 3 - Piloting, validation, and ex-post assessment

is dedicated to the practical application of the VET curriculum developed at an EQF 5 level. It will follow a modular approach integrating core competencies with real-world application through specialised courses and work-integrated learning. Feedback will be systematically gathered at each stage to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the training.

Work Package 4 - Impact, dissemination, and exploitation of results

aims to involve labor market players, stakeholders, and educational providers not initially participating in the project. It will focus on disseminating the findings and leveraging policy recommendations to support the integration of the One Health approach into the VET sector.

Work Package 5 - Consortium coordination and project management

ensures the project’s alignment with its objectives, deliverables, timetable, and budget. It involves risk management, administrative tasks, budget oversight, and project management. Regular interactions with AKIS ecosystem stakeholders will be key for quality assessment and feedback on the project’s outputs.