
DSA3 Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Perugia
Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali - Università di Perugia
Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Perugia


The University of Perugia is one of the most accredited universities in Italy and occupies a place of prestige in the European context. This is demonstrated by its achievements in the fields of scientific research and academic programmes offered. Moreover, the university has scientific collaborations with European, American, Japanese, Chinese, and Indian universities. The Animal Science Research Unit (UR-SZ) involved in the project is under the Dept. of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Science (DSA3) of the University which, according to the Centre for Social Investment Studies, is the 4th best Department in Italy for Agriculture and Forestry based upon academic reputation, employer reputation, and research impact. The DSA3 main research areas for animal science are innovative genetic improvement strategies, organic breeding systems, and precision animal husbandry in cattle, sheep, and pig farming. The UR-SZ and the DSA3 are also proactively involved in environmental impact, multi-criteria analysis, product quality, animal welfare, and agroecology. Currently, the UR-SZ is involved in the H2020 PPILOW – Poultry and pig low-input and organic production systems’ welfare (GA ID no. 816172). The PPILOW project aims to co-construct through a multi-actor approach solutions to improve the welfare of poultry and pigs reared in organic and low-input outdoor farming systems by building, among the others, decision tools and guidelines for best practices following the One Welfare concept usable by production actors that help the standardisation of organic and outdoor system rules in the EU.

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logo CESAR
Centro per lo Sviluppo Agricolo e Rurale
Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development
CESAR is an Italian non-profit association and Agricultural Advisory Service and VET Provider founded in 1983 specialised in providing training, research, and consultancy services in the areas of rural development, agri-food, European policies, and the environment.
In addition, CESAR hosts since 1996 the Europe Direct Centre Umbria, promoting the coordination with all the European networks present at regional level to provide citizens’ and businesses’ content on European priorities and policies, and dialogues and debates on European issues.
CESAR is also ISO:9001 certified for quality in management, research, and education services.

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LASALLE - Polytechnic Institute UniLaSalle
UniLaSalle Institut Polytechnique
UniLaSalle Polytechnic Institute

The Polytechnic Institute UniLaSalle is a non-profit private university authorised to award engineering degrees. Like all the other universities participating in the project, it is awarded with the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). It offers engineering degrees in the fields of agriculture, food industry, food and health, and environmental studies. It also offers continuing education and short programmes in these fields. The University
offers Professional BA Sales Engineering for Animal Nutrition, BEng Agronomy and Agro-Industry, BEng Food and Health (Bioengineering), BEng Earth and Environmental Science, MA Plant Science, MA Management of Urban Food Security, MA Plant Breeding, MSc Agricultural Data Management and Decision Models, and short programmes in Nutritional Science, among others. In addition to teaching, UNILASALLE also conducts research in agri-resources, and interactions between food and health. It is a member of the French “Bioeconomy for Change” (B4C) competitiveness cluster and a founding member of the “Céréales Vallée-Nutravita” cluster, both comprising AKIS actors such as enterprises, R&D companies, and trade associations. LASALLE is ISO:9001 certified for quality in management, research, and education services, and in 2020 it has been awarded the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility certification (DD&RS) by the Conference of Grandes Écoles (CGE).

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CRAN - Regional Chambre of Agriculture of Normandie
Chambre Régionale d'Agriculture de Normandie
Chamber of agriculture of the Normandy Region

The Chamber of agriculture of the Normandy Region is an Agricultural Advisory Service that belongs to the national network of Chambers of Agriculture (APCA). The Chamber is a self-governing public body, managed by elected representatives from the agriculture and forestry sectors. The network includes 13 Chambers at a regional level, and, in Normandy, it has 49 elected members, other 250 at a local level, and about 470 permanent staff. The role of CAN is to represent the farmers and foresters to local, regional, and national authorities, and to offer consultancy, training, support, coordination, expertise, and conduct research studies for farmers, foresters, and other rural stakeholders. CAN is strongly involved in the support and animation of farmer groups, more than 28 GIEE (groups of farmers recognised by the National Government working in multiannual projects to modify or consolidate their practices by aiming at economic, environmental, and social objectives) as well as six networks of farms.

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DEULA - German Teaching Institute for Agricultural Engineering
Deutsche Lehranstalt für Agrartechnik Nienburg
German Teaching Institute for Agricultural Engineering

The German Teaching Institute for Agricultural Engineering is a modern training and educational centre that is the largest of its kind in Germany, with facilities of approximately 9.000 m2 and a total attendance of about 80.000 training days per year. The DEULA staff currently numbers 80 people. The centre comprises 6 hectares of land with various modern agricultural structures, and tillage processes. The Centre is equipped with 29 classrooms, 3 conference spaces, a hotel residence with 230 bedrooms, a café, and a gym. The range of programmes offered is extensive, including Horticulture, Livestock farming, Plant production, Agricultural machinery, and Renewable energy. DEULA provides consultancy and trainings not only for local farmers, but also for numerous agricultural and rural development projects in Central and Eastern European countries, as well as in Latin America and Africa. Ultimately, DEULA is a VET centre for specialists aimed at influencing process management in agriculture, as well as technical innovations such as the production of wind, biogas, and photovoltaic energy.

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USAMV – University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine
Universitatea de Științe Agricole și Medicină Veterinară Cluj-Napoca
University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine

The University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca is one of the four Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Faculties of Romania, and one of the most important educational and training centres in the country for veterinary medicine. It has around 6.000 students, and it offers 21 undergraduate programmes and 23 different master’s degree. The project will mainly involve the Dept. of Infectious diseases, Epidemiology, and Wildlife management, benefitting of a broad expertise in monitoring infectious diseases in livestock farms, game, and other wild species.

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DEULA - German Teaching Institute for Agricultural Engineering
Latvijas Biozinātņu un Tehnoloģiju Universitāte
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies

LLU has extensive experience in many EU programmes, and most notably Horizon, Interreg, and Erasmus+. LLU participated in the H2020 DISARM – Disseminating Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management, which aimed to discuss and share best practices to promote and sustain responsible use of antibiotics. LLU also takes part in the H2020 CCCFARMING – Climate Care Cattle Farming Systems. The aim of the project is to develop climate smart cattle farming systems reducing GHG and ammonia emissions, while maintaining the social and economic outlook of the farm business.

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ZSA - Farmers’ Parliament Union of Latvia
Zemnieku Saeima
Farmers’ Parliament Union of Latvia
Union “Farmers’ Parliament” (ZSA) was established in 1999 as a non-governmental organization. Today the organisation has grown up to 800 members representing farmers of all agricultural sectors in Latvia.
ZSA is the main agriculture lobby organization in Latvia with long-lasting, highly successful and professional ties in the rural development sector both in the national and EU level. ZSA is an active member of COPA-COCEGA.
ZSA provides both direction and policy dialogue between the farming community and policy decision-makers. ZSA’s network of stakeholders includes various public, private and nonprofit sector actors in the agricultural field, including educational institutions in both – secondary vocational and higher education levels. ZSA has extensive experience in developing and providing education and information services to the farming community, including being actively involved in the development of the vocational education training (VET) system in the agriculture sector, as well as the legislative framework for rural entrepreneurship and development.
ZSA is active in different EU programs’ projects with practical experience, ensuring the testing and demonstration activities, working on political recommendations andorganizing information and educational activities and dissemination of the knowledge in Latvia and EU.

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APRC - Aukstaitijos PRC
Aukštaitijos Profesinio Rengimo Centras
Aukštaitija Vocational Training Center

Aukstaitijos PRC is a vocational and training school that offers secondary and post-secondary vocational education. It focuses on agriculture, ecology and green energy, including programmes for farm workers, ecological farming, agricultural technicians, and others. The school has about 50 staff members and 400 learners divided into two branches (Alanta, and Anyksciai towns). It is involved in a variety of green energy and agriculture projects, as well as in the organisation of events, seminars, and workshops in the field of ecology, green energy, agriculture, and beekeeping. It has a solar power plant, and a biogas plant for its energy needs, and it also serves as a teaching and training facility for CVET and continuous professional development of agricultural professionals.

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ZUR Chamber of Agriculture of Lithuania
Lietuvos Respublikos Žemės Ūkio Rūmai
Chamber of Agriculture of Lithuania

The Chamber of Agriculture of Lithuania is the country’s most influential and significant farmer self-government organisation, contributing significantly to the development of modern, competitive Lithuanian agriculture. Today, ZUR brings together 43 territorial, and branch organisations. It assists rural society in the application of modern scientific knowledge, the implementation of innovations, and the organisation of projects with Lithuanian and foreign partners. Since 1994, ZUR is also an accredited Agricultural Advisory Service. Its network of consultants provides the foundation for qualified advice to farmers and others involved in agricultural activities. Thus, it ensures that information is provided in a timely and systematic manner in convenient locations such as district offices, farmers, and other people involved in agricultural activities

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Associated Partners
Role in LIVET Project: to participate to the meetings of the International Scientific and Business Committee, in order to give feedback on the project results and support the dissemination of the project.

The project sees also the involvement of 13 relevant Associated Partners for the project. Among them there are the CONAF Consiglio Ordine Nazionale Dottori Agronomi e Dottori Forestali (Italian National Council of Agronomists and Foresters); ANABIC Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Bovini Italiani da Carne (Italian Beef Cattle Breeders Association); Collegio Nazionale dei Periti Agrari e dei Periti Agrari Laureati (Italian National Council of Agricultural Technicians Professionals); FIDSPA Federazione Italiana Dottori in Scienze della Produzione Animale (Italian Federation of Animal Science Professionals). As networks of VET Providers, and public authorities responsible for VET policies, APs are Fondazione per l’Istruzione Agraria di Perugia (Foundation for Agricultural Education of Perugia); RENISA Rete Nazionale degli Istituti di Istruzione e Formazione Professionale Agraria (Italian National Network of VET Agricultural Institutes); DRAAF Direction Régionale de l’Alimentation, de l’Agriculture et de la Forêt de Normandie (Normandie Regional Directorate for Food, Agriculture, and Forestry); the regional veterinary services network of Normandie SO CARE; the Autoritatea Naţională Sanitară Veterinară şi pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor (Cluj Directorate for Veterinary Health and Food Safety); and Regione Umbria. As private companies and businesses, Avicovet Distribution; Avico Vet; and Zimovet.